Thursday, January 20, 2011

Visualize that Happy New Year

You probably haven't heard the greeting Happy New Year for a couple of weeks, now that we are officially into 2011. But we all still wish that for ourselves and one another.

Today someone sent me a photo of herself, taken over the holidays, as she stood outside experiencing her first snowfall. It was beautiful to see the excitement on her face -- and reminded me of how powerful images can be. Using our minds to visualize is another tool we have to help us create that happier and healthier New Year.

Choose a photo that brings a smile to your face. Whenever you are starting to feel down or over-stressed, close your eyes, take some nice deep diaphragmatic breaths (from your belly) and visualize that scene. Stay with the breathing and the image for 3 - 5 minutes. When your mind wanders, that's ok, just gently bring it back and start your breathing again. After this meditative break, you will feel calmer and have more emotional energy to handle whatever was troubling you. Even if it is just to say, "I know I can't do anything about this so I have to let it go for now."

And for those of us who are working on keeping our New Year's Resolutions....If you're having doubts that you can follow through, or haven't set any goals for yourself, it's not too late! For some tips, go to our January 14, 2010 Blog Post below: How to Make your New Year's Resolutions Happen.